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وبلاگ : قلب ما
پارسي يار : قنبري-3

نام: قنبري
نام مستعار: قلب ما
جنسيت: مرد
استان محل سكونت: چهارمحال و بختياري
شهر: شهر كرد
آدرس: شهركرد
زبان: انگليسي
تاريخ عضويت: 86/4/4
سن وبلاگ : 17 سال و 7 ماه و 26 روز
وضعيت تاهل: مجرد
شغل: مدرس زبان خارجه
تحصيلات: ليسانس
وزن: 65
قد: 131

لينك مورد علاقه: belief.parsiblog.com

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درباره خودم: poem plaited like the generation of men: come .follow me into the realm of music. here is the gate which separeted the earthly from the eternal.it is not like stepping into a strane country as we once did. we soon learn to know everything there and wodnderment will have no end.and yet from the very begining we feel at home.at first you hear nothing because everything sounds.but now you begind to istinguish between them.listem each star its rhythm and each word its beat.the heart of each separerate living thing beats differantly. according to its needs and all the beats are in harmony.your inner ear grows sharper. do you hear the deep notes and the high notes?they are immeasurable in space and infinite as to number. like ribbons, undearmt of lead from one world to another steadfast amd eternaly moved.how the moment can be eternaly?the individual is realatd to eternely! all the melodies hiterto heard and unheard. HUGH MACDIARMID
بهترين حرف: We do what we can, And we do it with what we've got inside of us. Even if you may forget it sometimes, I'm here to remind you that you are a very special person. I have so much faith in you. And I know that you'll be able to do the things you what and need to do. And if you ever _ ever _ need me …. I'll be here for you.

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